Optimize your sales process by integrating your CRM with Salesdrive
Salesdrive integration with CRM systems will make it even more effective. We provide one single place for sellers to prepare, present, and follow up on meetings while pushing and pulling data from the CRM to make sellers more effective.
CRM systems
Integrate your CRM with Salesdrive
Since data comes in any shape or form, each one of your applications will categorize it using their own terms. For instance, your CRM has a database with information about the “contacts” and “companies” you are working with.
Simple plug and play
A CRM solution is excellent for pulling reports on sales deals moving through the pipeline, but it doesn’t always tell the full picture. Forward-thinking companies will want to know the cause and effect of closing deals. What is moving some deals forward, and what is preventing other deals from progressing.
Diving into this question means tying ROI back to content used throughout the sales process. When CRM is paired with Salesdrive, capturing meeting materials becomes easier. Marketing can easily understand what content drives revenue, so they can focus on creating more of what is adding value to sales and less of what is not. This feedback loop quickly results in sets of meaningful content that sales teams will value and use.
API integration
An Application Programming Interface (API) enables two-way communication between software applications driven by requests. To better understand, an API is like an interface through which information and functionality are shared between two software services.
Salesdrive has implemented such APIs to make your sales process a lot easier.